1. Click the amount that you want to contribute.
2. The following page will appear if you are not logged in yet. If you already have an account, please click [LOGIN]button by filling your mail address and password while the one who logged in with Facebook account just needs to click [FACEBOOK LOGIN] and no need to enter anything.
3. Or register an account by click [Signup], fill the required information, and click [REGISTER NOW] for those who don't have an account yet.
Click on [FACEBOOK LOGIN] without the need for a Facebook account user.
4. The nest step is to check the amount that you want to contribute and then click [CONTINUE]
You can type anything that you want to tell in the comment section and it's fine if you don't want to. But, those who want to give some motivation messages to the campaign owner can type in the comment section.
5. The final step is to fill the contents fo the card that you want to pay and then click [SUBMIT PAYMENT] to complete the transaction.
Currently, the payable Cards are Visa, Master, and Amex.